how annoyed i am??
i am so friggin annoyed!!
why??? ohhh cause of 'seniority'!! according to some 'experts', seniority makes you better than others..
i guess since i'm still a 'novice'...
my work isn't as 'efficient' as the senior teachers...
my qualifications isn't as 'strong' as the senior teachers...
i have to listen to their 'orders' as they are just simply 'advice'...
whatever i say isn't as 'true' as the seniors...
because of that i don't have my own RIGHTS...
and since you're so dedicated (since it's so near your retirement)
whatever you say... i have to 'follow'
gee.. such a smart ass...
i wonder why the government keeps changing the teacher-education system...
or why we train the 'junior' teachers...
i guess so that means we're not really needed...
cause we don't matter!